


Dear Secretary,

Enclosed is our annual mail out to all accredited Probus Clubs for the year 2011 – 2012.

We request that these forms be retained by the secretary or treasurer to be completed and returned to Probus Centre following your Annual General Meeting prior to 30 April, 2011.

The following forms must be sent to Probus Centre by 30 April, 2011.

· Probus Centre Records, Directory Update and Statistical Information – these forms are required to ensure that your club details are recorded correctly. Please take special care in recording email addresses.

· Annual Capitation Fees – Pro Forma Invoice - required to record correct club membership numbers and to administer insurance coverage.

· PROBUSthe magazine – Magazine Subscription Pro Forma Invoice - required to record correct number of subscriptions for the flagship publication – the official Probus magazine - six issues per subscription.

Return the forms and make arrangements to pay fees as indicated on forms.

Please ensure that your club number and club name is listed on each form. The club number can be found above your club name on the label used to deliver your Probus magazines or in the Directory of Probus Clubs.

The Annual Capitation Fees Pro-Forma Invoice and Magazine Subscription Pro-Forma Invoice is used to calculate the payment required based on the number of members, the number of non members and number of annual magazine subscriptions. Please follow the payment instructions are on these forms.

Please note that forms received after 30th April, 2011 will not be included in the 2011- 2012 Directory of Probus Clubs which means that clubs run the risk of having out of date information being listed in the directory and late delivery of magazine subscriptions.

Contact Information

As requested in our Directory Update form, Probus Centre requires contact details for the President and Secretary. To expedite offers from sponsors and advance notice of special events including the annual Probus Rendezvous, we also require contact details of your Tours Officer. An email contact for your Probus Liaison Officer is also required to facilitate advance notices of upcoming events and happenings.

This contact information is extremely important to ensure that your club is well informed about the various events happening in Probus.

Probus Centre - South Pacific Inc. requires all completed forms by 30 April 2011


Probus Centre – South Pacific Inc.

Post Office Box 1294, Parramatta NSW 2124 Australia

Australia Toll Free 1800 630 488 or Tel: +61 2 9806 0100 Fax: +61 2 9633 4779

Email: admin@probussouthpacific.org Website www.probussouthpacific.org


Probus Centre is delighted to announce the launch of our new website; www.probussouthpacific.org Contact Probus Centre for more information on hosting your clubs website or creating a new sub website for your club. Visit the new sub site for The Philippines.


In the new year ALL clubs will be provided with their own individual club email address, user name and password. This email address will act as the official club electronic mailing address accessed only by Probus Centre and by those club officers delegated by each club.

This email address will be accessed through Probus Centre South Pacific website.


Committees are reminded to ensure that the joining fees that they are charging new members are justifiable. It is important that a club be able to cover all of its expenses and whilst we recommend a club maintain one year’s worth of operating costs as a surplus, many clubs can become cashed up quite quickly if the joining fees are not being spent for the benefit of the members. It would be worthwhile for all Treasurers to review their joining fees as part of their budget process. Member’s annual fees should also reflect costs to cover annual subscription of the official Probus magazine. Probus Centre will be happy to assist in determining the appropriate joining fees for your club.


Daisy Serneo – Whoa! Apparel

Tel: (02) 847 5538

Mobile: 0917 846 1678

Email: dayserneo@yahoo.com




PCSP Optional Travel Insurance was relaunched on December 1st, 2010 and continues to provide exceptional value for the cost. Members can now purchase the PCSP Travel Insurance for private trips as well as ‘recognised’ Probus trips. Yes, that’s correct; another benefit of being a Probus member - peace of mind knowing that members are covered on private travel as well.

This is an excellent product which PCSP have purchased for our members and we will continue to offer access to this product as long as it is supported and used by our members. Please ensure distribution of the promotional flyer (sent with this pack) to each member at your next club meeting and continue to promote the PCSP Optional Travel Insurance in your club bulletin each month. Additional flyers are available from Probus Centre on request.

Fees for the PCSP Optional Travel Insurance effective 1st December, 2010

Philipinnes Domestic AUD$120.00

Philipinnes Worldwide AUD$180.00

PROBUS INFORMATION DAYS – contact Gov. Geoff McLennan for more details.
Email: GeoffBMcLennan@gmail.com
Home Phone: (02) 724 3997; Cell Phone: 0915 7036 553


Comprehensive Cover

Summaries and ‘Certificate of Currency’ are available on request from PCSP or may be downloaded from http://probussouthpacific.org/philippines/

PCSP In-House Money Cover

Club monies must be banked within two working days.

Claims limit - AUD$5,000.00 with an excess component of 10% of each claim.

Initial notice of a loss, likely to give rise to a claim on Club Money Cover policy should be made to

PCSP Tel: +61 2 9806 0100 or Email: admin@probussouthpacific.org and a claim form will be supplied.

Petty Cash Insurance Cover

Clubs may resolve to hold limited amount of club monies as petty cash. This money shall be covered under the money cover policy as long as the petty cash remains in the secure custody of the club Treasurer or the Secretary. (Under lock and key)

Report - Injuries and Accidents

Any club or association activity resulting in an accident or injuries should be reported in the first instance to Probus Centre as soon as possible by telephone or email. The matter will be logged in PCSP Insurance Register. If necessary a claim form will be provided.

See insurance summary for cover. All claims must be actioned within twelve months from the date of the incident.


Trade Travel, specialist individual and group tour operators Australia and world-wide.

Trade Travel has over 380 network partners providing Probus clubs and members many attractive offers and opportunities for travel and adventure. Specialized packages can be created to meet the needs of your individual club. Tour leaders should contact Trade Travel about their familiarization program, travel expos and register on line for special offers.

Don’t miss Trade Travel’s regular prize page in the magazine and upcoming news on the Probus Cruise Club.

For more information please contact Trade Travel

Email: groups@tradetravel.com


Grand Pacific Tours, specialists in New Zealand luxury coach holidays.

Grand Pacific Tours continues to be a tremendous supporter of the Probus organization providing an extensive range of tours that cover the traditional touring routes throughout New Zealand and also a range of special interest tours. Grand Pacific Tours offers an "all inclusive" style of touring that represents the best value for money and includes the highest quality standard of product.

For more information please contact Grand Pacific Tours

Mark Windsor – Mobile 0423 606 924 or Email: mark@grandpacifictours.com.au

Business Development Managers are available as ‘guest speakers’. www.grandpacifictours.com

Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you have any questions regarding these forms or the information enclosed with this correspondence.

With kind regards and best wishes for continued Probus goodwill and fellowship,

Yours in Probus Service,

Pat Atkinson, General Manager December, 2010

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