ü The BC Fair industry at the national level: CAFÉ (Canadian Association of Fairs & Exhibitions)
ü Supports the BC Fair industry at the International level: IAFE (International Association of Fairs & Expositions)
Funding and Projects:
ü Research funding opportunities from government and industry
ü Investigate project partnership opportunities that member fairs will share the benefits from
Management Services:
ü Full time support from Executive Director coordinating services and information to all members
ü Promotes commercial incentive package to membership
Annual Convention:
ü Offers an opportunity for networking
ü Provides a forum for information exchange and learning opportunities
ü Informative presentations and discussion groups
ü Opportunity to be recognized through Awards Program
ü Annual General Meeting
ü Representative appointed to the Board of Directors
Workshops and Sessions:
ü Delivers training and development
ü Experienced and knowledgeable speakers
ü Sessions chosen to reflect current needs of our membership
ü Provide an insurance program at a discounted rate
ü Detailed directory of all member Fairs & Exhibitions
ü Detailed listing of all Commercial and Associate members
Voice to Government:
ü Liaison between members of the Provincial Government
ü Monitors legislation, regulation and educates membership on what will affect them
ü Published quarterly
ü Industry related information
ü Provides communication opportunities for members
ü Special advertising rates for members
ü Distributed both electronically and hard copy
Annual Fair Schedule:
ü 25,000 copies distributed province wide
ü Provides dates and detailed information for member Fairs & Exhibitions
Web Site:
ü Developed and maintained to provide up-to-date information about our industry
ü Assists in marketing Commercial and Associate members
ü Provides links to Fair & Exhibition members
ü Provides links to Commercial and Associate members