
Knowledge All Insurance

The FDIC is working with other bank regulators to take steps to assure continuity of banking services. The FDIC will continue to work with federal and state counterparts, the banking industry and affected banks, identifying customer needs and monitoring institutions' restoration of services. More information is available on the FDIC web site.

>> Guidance to Assist Financial Institutions in Responding to Hurricane Rita (09.27.05)

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation encourages banks to assist those impacted by Hurricane Katrina by honoring handwritten, typewritten, and laser checks issued by certain Social Security Administration Offices. Click here for the complete release.

>> A consumer Hotline is available at 1-877-ASK-FDIC.

Federal Reserve Information
The New Orleans Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta remains closed for operations. For the most current details on New Orleans branch check and cash services and nationwide impacts on all Federal Reserve financial services, frequently monitor the following page: Fed Information for District 6


Visit FedACH Service Status for the most current information on ACH operations. Sixth District customers should direct questions regarding ACH to the Atlanta Fed ACH Support Center at (866) 234-5681.

Visit Fedwire Service Status for the most current information on Fedwire operations. Sixth District customers should direct questions regarding Fedwire Operations Support Center at (800) 333-2448.

Electronic Access
Sixth District customers needing technical support for electronic access connections should direct inquiries to the Customer Contact Center at the following numbers:

FedLine Support

(800) 333-2690

Computer Interface Support

(888) 881-6700

The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council formed an interagency working group to enhance the agencies' Hurricane Katrina coordination, communications and supervisory responses. The group, composed of senior level supervision officials from each member agency and the FFIEC's State Liaison Committee, will build on existing cooperation among the federal and state financial institution regulators. One of the clear lessons learned from the initial days following Hurricane Katrina is the need to provide institutions with clear, timely and consistent information on issues of concern, FFIEC Chairman John Dugan said. Read more.

Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council
The Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council for Critical Infrastructure Protection and Homeland Security (FSSCC) reports considerable progress as the financial services sector responds to the needs of customers and victims affected by Hurricane Katrina. Financial institutions and financial associations are working closely with the Department of the Treasury as well as with Federal and state financial regulators to both support implementation of solutions to the most immediate problems and create a plan of action to resolve long-term issues. Financial Services Response to Customers in Affected Areas

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has set up a toll-free housing hotline 1-888-297-8685 to assist victims of Hurricane Katrina. The number, which operates from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. CDT, seven days a week, replaces previous toll-free numbers for each HUD service. Deaf, hearing-impaired or other persons requiring TDD/TTY services can call 1-800-877-8339.

HUD has also joined forces with other Federal and state agencies to aid in the implementation of disaster recovery assistance. Under the Federal Response Plan the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Small Business Administration (SBA) offer initial recovery assistance. More information is available on HUD's Disaster Recovery Assistance web site.

Insurance and Claims
Policyholders with questions regarding their coverage for damage caused by Hurricane Katrina should contact their insurance agent or company representative. To assist consumers, special toll-free numbers have been set up by insurance companies. This and other insurance related information is available on the Insurance Information Institute web site.

NACHA Decision on Rule Enforcement in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina

Katrina: The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has outlined measures to assist national banks and their customers affected by Hurricane Katrina. In addition, the OCC has authorized national banks to close offices affected by the hurricane temporarily. National banks in need of assistance in dealing with customers affected by the hurricane should contact the OCC. More information is available on the OCC web site.

Rita: The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency yesterday issued a proclamation allowing national bank offices affected by Hurricane Rita to close at their discretion. Comptroller of the Currency John Dugan said he expects that only those bank offices directly affected by the severe weather will close. Those offices should make every effort to reopen as quickly as possible to address the banking needs of their customers, he added.
More information is available on the
OCC web site.

Thrifts requiring assistance in dealing with customers in areas affected by Hurricane Katrina should contact their regional OTS office. Additional information regarding OTS's disaster relief guidelines may be found in OTS Thrift Bulletin 71, Serving Communities Affected by Natural Disasters, available on the OTS web site.

The Securities and Exchange Commission established a Web site directory to help Hurricane Katrina victims contact their investment advisers where normal operations have been disrupted. Read more.

SBA Disaster Loan Program
SBA has been working with two lenders (JPMorgan Chase and Hibernia) in the disaster impacted area in an effort to expand outreach to the small business community. Attached is a fact sheet that summarizes the SBA Disaster Loan Program and includes interest rates and filing deadlines for the victims of Hurricane Katrina in AL, MS & LA. Read more.
Note: State office information is listed below for each storm.

Information for Food and Housing Assistance, Disaster Cleanup, Agency Resources, Recovery, and Consumers, and for USDA Personnel In the Affected Areas. More information is available on USDA's Hurricane Katrina Relief web site.

U.S. Treasury
The Treasury Department on Friday announced it would extend application deadlines and modify other requirements on a case-by-case basis for Community Development Entities located in Katrina-affected counties on the Gulf Coast under the New Markets Tax Credit Program. Up to $3.5 billion in tax credits are available under the program to help finance community development projects. "Katrina is a disaster on every level imaginable, and tools like New Markets Tax Credits will assist in the recovery efforts of New Orleans, Louisiana, Mobile, Alabama and the rest of the region," said Treasury Secretary John Snow. Read more.

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