The initiation waters first touch one's head
And then descend through the body.
Death comes in a similar fashion:
The crown of one's head turns white
And then the symptoms descend.
"My hair is white as a seashell.
I did not wash out the color.
The Lord of Death has spat on me
And the frost of his spittle covers my head.
The many lines and wrinkles on my face
Are not folds in the baby fat of a youth.
They are time measurements sketched
By the hand of the Keeper of Time.
"This constant squinting of my eyes
Is not caused by smoke.
My powers of vision have diminished
And I must squint in order to see.
"When I lean forward like this
And cup my ear in order to listen,
It is not that I expect you to
Whisper me a secret message.
But to me all sounds seem remote
And I must strain in order to hear.
"Old man, in sitting, walking or working,
You are unlike anyone I have seen.
What is it that so afflicts you?"
To this the old man replied,
"0 youth, who flies in the pride
Of having strong flesh and blood,
Listen to me, for many years ago
I was even stronger than you.
"In running I could outrun a horse,
And when I wanted to trap
I caught even the wild yak of the north.
I was as light on my feet
As the birds of the air,
And my face as handsome as that of a god.
"I wore magnificent clothing,
Adorned myself with jewels,
Ate the finest delicacies
And rode the most swift of horses.
"There was no sport I did not play
And no pleasure I did not know.
I gave not a single thought to death
Or the advent of old age.
The noise of the friends
And relatives who surrounded me
Constantly held my attention
And turned my face from everything else.
"But the stealthy suffering of age
Slowly pressed in upon me.
At first I did not notice it,
And when I did it was too late.
Now when I look in a mirror
I am repelled by what I see.
"When one receives tantric initiation
The initiation waters first touch one's head
And then descend through the body.
Death comes in a similar fashion:
The crown of one's head turns white
And then the symptoms descend.
"My hair is white as a seashell.
I did not wash out the color.
The Lord of Death has spat on me
And the frost of his spittle covers my head.
The many lines and wrinkles on my face
Are not folds in the baby fat of a youth.
They are time measurements sketched
By the hand of the Keeper of Time.
"This constant squinting of my eyes
Is not caused by smoke.
My powers of vision have diminished
And I must squint in order to see.